Certification Testing

Integration Guidelines

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Certification Testing

The following destination service provider guidelines are for application testing and certification:


Payment Service Provider Guidelines

The Affirmative ACH Service is an electronic payment processing solution via the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network — an electronic network for processing financial transactions in the United States.

Electronic Checking (ECK) Support Automated Clearing House (ACH) Note: The Affirmative ACH Now Adaptor supports the BillingTree ACH Gateway Service.
Supported Industries eCommerce, Retail, Restaurant, and MOTO
Certification Testing ACH Test Data

The table below lists the ACH payment features supported by the Affirmative ACH Service.

Feature Notes
Electronic Check Acceptance
Check Guarantee
Automated Clearing House (ACH)
Cash Concentration or Disbursement (CCD) Used for Credit or PIN Debit transactions.
Prearranged Payment and Deposit (PPD) Used for Credit or PIN Debit transactions.
Back Office Conversion (BOC) Used for PIN Debit transactions only.
Telephone Initiated Entry (TEL) Used for PIN Debit transactions only.
Internet Initiated Entry (WEB) Used for PIN Debit transactions only.

Feature Details

  • Individual check transactions are submitted as needed using Authorize.
  • Supported SEC Codes include:
SEC Code Description
Cash Concentration or Disbursement (CCD) The transaction can be credit or debit and is used when funds are distributed or consolidated between corporate entities. This transaction type is best suited for a B2B environment or for corporations with multiple levels of hierarchy who want to process fund 'sweeping'.
Prearranged Payment & Deposit (PPD) In both debit and credit PPD transactions an existing relationship must be present to move funds 'to' or 'from' a bank account. A typical credit PPD transaction is used for direct deposit of payroll, interest payments, investment dividends, etc. In a preauthorized or prearranged debit transaction, a consumer grants the company authority to initiate periodic charges to his/her account as bills are due. This works well with recurring payments where the amount of the transactions does not vary or only has small variations.
Back Office Conversion (BOC) A BOC transaction enables businesses to accept eligible paper checks at the point of sale or at a manned bill-payment location and then convert the checks into ACH debits. The check conversion occurs in the merchant 'back office', a separate processing site, or even by a third party service provider in a separate location. Some restrictions regarding the type of check and dollar amount accepted apply, but rarely affect standard retail merchants.
Telephone Initiated Entry (TEL) The TEL transaction is used to create a single debit transaction to a consumer bank account after a verbal authorization is given. In the TEL case the consumer and the merchant must have either (a) an existing working relationship or (b) the transaction/new relationship must be initiated by the consumer.
Internet Initiated Entry (WEB) WEB transactions are used in the creation of debit entries (can be single use or recurring) to a consumer account after authorization is given via an internet acceptance method. Strict requirements govern the language necessary for security procedures and obligations.
  • Check transactions not committed can be voided using Undo.
  • CaptureAll - Used to notify Affirmative when submitted check transactions are ready to be processed. All checks submitted (but not voided since the last CaptureAll) are processed. Selective processing is not available.
  • ACH does not provide a confirmation for the movement of funds, but confirmation the money was sent to the ACH Network. It is assumed the funds have been moved unless returned within 48 hours from the settlement date. Monday originations return Tuesday & Wednesday, and, in rare cases, as late as Thursday. Chargebacks can be returned up to 60 days after the receiver bank statement date (total of 90 days).
  • A successful CaptureAll response reports the number of transactions submitted and the hashed total of those transactions. The ElectronicCheckingCaptureResponse.ServiceTransactionId returned is the batch number.
  • The ACH gateway does not require a customer to close batches manually as the ACH gateway can perform auto-close for a batch. Software applications may execute the web service method AchNowProcessTransactions to close the batch and start the transaction processing.
  • The nightly cutoff for closing a batch is 5:00PM CST. Please allocate a minimum of 15 minutes extra time in case the ACH gateway is busy (end-of-month, end-of-quarter or both). To have the processing intercepted for a batch accidentally submitted, call Affirmative Client Service as soon as possible.
  • Merchants can submit multiple batches throughout the day. The only downside is that ACH gateway reports may have to be run multiple times to capture all of the transactions for the day/batches.
  • The merchant can set the auto-close batch feature during the Client Services ACH gateway training session.

The CaptureAll response from Affirmative ACH has the total transaction count and the total hashed amount of all checks processed since the previous CaptureAll. This behavior cannot be replicated in the Sandbox environment. Software applications do receive a response including the necessary elements, but the count is always '1' and a randomly generated total amount that does not match the actual checks submitted.

Username and password credentials are required for all transactions using the Addendum.Unmanaged. UserID Password


White List Card Data

Please reference the following information during testing to facilitate the certification of payment applications in the EVO Snap* Sandbox environment.

Due to PCI compliance, the Sandbox testing and certification environment only supports white-listed, non-live card data. In order to ensure a transaction is accepted by the Sandbox environment, please reference the white-listed card data and trigger values/response codes below.

IMPORTANT! The trigger values and response codes are for testing purposes and are only valid against the Sandbox certification/testing environment. The values listed do not reflect errors generated in production. Transactions submitted with track data must strip the start and end sentinels. Only one track can be submitted in a transaction.
Card Type Card Data
MasterCard Card Number: 5454545454545454
Track 1: %B5454545454545454^EVOSNAP/TESTCARD^1512101013490000000001000880000?
Track 2: ;5454545454545454=15121010134988000010?
Expiration (MMYY): 1230
MasterCard (Purchase Card) Card Number: 5480020605154711
Track 1: %B5480020605154711^EVOSNAP/TESTCARD^1512101100000001000000218000000?
Track 2: ;5480020605154711=15121011000017026218?
Expiration (MMYY): 1230
MasterCard (Signature Debit) Card Number: 9999989900007723
Track 1: %B9999989900007723^EVOSNAP/TESTCARD^15121015432112345678?
Track 2: ;9999989900007723=15121015432112345678?
Expiration (MMYY): 1230
Visa Card Number: 4111111111111111
Track 1: %B4111111111111111^EVOSNAP/TESTCARD^15121010454500415000010?
Track 2: ;4111111111111111=15121010454541500010?
Expiration (MMYY): 1230
Visa (Purchase Card) Card Number: 4005765777003
Track 1: %B4005765777003^IPCOMMERCE/TESTCARD^13121015432112345678?
Track 2: ;4005765777003=13121015432112345678?
Expiration (MMYY): 1230
American Express Card Number: 371449635398456
Track 1: %B371449635398456^EVOSNAP/TESTCARD^1512060523319?
Track 2: ;371449635398456=1512060523319?
Expiration (MMYY): 1230
Discover Card Number: 6011000995504101
Track 1: %B6011000995504101^EVOSNAP/TESTCARD^15121011000627210201?
Track 2: ;6011000995504101=15121011000627210201?
Expiration (MMYY): 1230
Stored Value Account Card Number: 9877890000000016
Track 1: %B9877890000000016^07675004668$02500$^?
Track 2: ;9877890000000016=4912?

*Visa (Decline) is used when a decline is required during testing. Transaction types such as ‘Verify’ can use this card to process a decline is if the card is no longer valid.