Common Data Elements

Commerce Web Services

Transaction Reporting Common Data Elements

The following data elements should be used to make calls to TMS.


Transaction information specific to Bankcard transactions. Conditional, included if the query includes Bankcard transactions.

Parameter Description Data Type
CardType The card type used on the transaction. Expected. Maps to the TypeCardType enumeration. Enum
MaskedPAN The cardholder's PAN in masked format. Expected. String
OrderId The order id generated by CWS. This value is often used by service providers for transaction correlation. Expected. String

Detailed data regarding the batch. Expected.

Parameter Description Data Type
BatchCaptureDate The date the batch was captured (in UTC format). Expected. DateTime
BatchId The Id of the batch. Expected. String
BatchSummaryData Summary data about the transactions in the batch. DEPRECATED. Refer to SummaryData below. Object
CaptureState Determines the capture state of the batch. Expected. Enum
Description The description of the batch. Optional. String
SummaryData Summary data about the transactions in the batch. Expected. Object
TransactionsIds The Ids of all the transactions in the batch. Expected. List

The complete transaction, either in CWS format or serialized XML. Conditional, included if querying transaction detail.

Parameter Description Data Type
CWSTransaction The complete transaction using the CWS object model. Conditional, included if TransactionDetailFormat is 'CWSTransaction'. Object
SerializedTransaction The complete transaction as serialized XML. Conditional, included if ransactionDetailFormat is 'CWSSerializedTransaction'. String

The complete transaction using the CWS object model. Conditional, included if TransactionDetailFormat is 'CWSTransaction'.

Parameter Description Data Type
ApplicationData Application data used for the transaction. Expected. Object
MerchantProfileMerchantData Merchant Profile data used for the transaction. Expected. Object
MetaData Transaction details not represented in the CWS object model. Expected. Maps to TransactionMetaData. Object
Response Transaction response details. Expected. Object
Transaction Transaction request details. Expected. Object

Contains detail information for the family of transactions.

Parameter Description Data Type
BatchId The Id of the batch where the original transaction was captured. Expected. String
CapturedAmount The amount that was captured. Expected. Decimal
CaptureDateTime The date and time of the original capture (in UTC format). Expected. DateTime
CustomerId The customer Id specified on the original transaction. Expected, if present on authorization. String
FamilyId The Family Id taken from the original Transaction Id. Expected. Guid
FamilyState The current state of the family, defined as the state of the last transaction in the family. Expected. Maps to the TransactionState enumeration. Enum
LastAuthorizedAmount The most recently authorized transaction amount. Expected. Decimal
MerchantProfileId The merchant profile Id used for the transaction. Expected. String
NetAmount The net amount charged inclusive of all transactions in the family. This is negative when the transaction involves more funds are moving to the cardholder than to the merchant, as would be the case with a ReturnUnlinked transaction. Expected. Decimal
ServiceKey The Service Key used for the transaction. Expected. String
TransactionIds DEPRECATED The TransactionIds property does not provide enough data for processing partial returns. Please use the TransactionMetaData property. Expected. List
TransactionMetaData Transaction metadata, including TransactionId, ServiceId, etc. Expected. Maps to TransactionMetaData. Object

Contains summary information for the family of transactions.

Parameter Description Data Type
FamilyId The Id of the transaction family. Expected. Guid
FamilySequenceCount The total number of transactions in the family. Expected. Integer
FamilySequenceNumber The position of the transaction in the family sequence. Expected. Integer
FamilyState The current state of the family, defined as the state of the last transaction in the family. Expected. Maps to the TransactionState enumeration. Enum
NetAmount The net amount value for the transaction family. Expected. Decimal

The filter criteria used to perform transaction batch queries. Required.

Parameter Description Data Type
BatchDateRange The date range (StartDate and EndDate) of the batch to query. Optional. Maps to DateRange. Object
BatchIds Collection of specific Batch Id values to query. Optional. List
MerchantProfileIds Collection of specific merchantProfileId values to query. Optional. List
ServiceKeys Collection of specific Service Key values to query. Optional. List
TransactionIds Collection of specific transaction Id values to query. Optional. List
Note: When specifying DateRange, the range must be within the last 90 days or a fault is thrown. Regardless of how DateRange is specified, only the matching transactionIds within the last 90 days are returned.

Non-service class specific query parameters for QueryRejectedDetail and QueryRejectedSummary. Required.

Parameter Description Data Type
Addendum Used for managed Query Request Addenda, or unmanaged addenda. Optional. Object

Response to QueryRejectedDetail and QueryRejectedSummary. Expected.

Note: The response object is ElectronicCheckingRejectedDetailResponse when processing QueryRejectedDetail requests, and ElectronicCheckingRejectedSummaryResponse when processing QueryRejectedSummary requests.
Parameter Description Data Type
StatusCode Status code returned from the service. Expected. String
StatusMessage Verbose message describing the status of the transaction. Expected. String

Provides parameters used to filter a transaction query. Required.

Parameter Description Data Type
Amounts Collection of specific transaction Amount values from transaction requests matching the amount authorized, returned, adjusted, or captured. Optional. List
ApprovalCodes Collection of specific ApprovalCode values from transaction responses. Optional. List
BatchIds Collection of specific BatchId values from transaction responses. Optional. List
CaptureDateRange Range of transaction capture dates. Optional. Refer to DateRange. Object
CaptureStates Collection of capture states. Optional. Maps to the CaptureState enumeration. Enum
CardTypes Collection of specific CardType values from transaction requests. Optional. Maps to the TypeCardType enumeration. Enum
IsAcknowledged Indicates whether the transaction was acknowledged. Optional. Valid values:False NotSet (Default) True Boolean
MerchantProfileIds Collection of specific Merchant Profile values from transaction requests. Optional. List
OrderNumbers Collection of specific OrderNumber values from transaction requests. Optional. List
QueryType Specifies the way TMS should filter when two or more parameters are specified. Required. Enum
ServiceIds Collection of specific ServiceId values. Optional. List
ServiceKeys Collection of specific ServiceKey values. Optional. List
TransactionClassTypePairs Collection of specific transaction class/transaction type pairs. Optional. Maps to TransactionClassTypePair. Object
TransactionDateRange Range of dates the transactions were processed. Optional. Refer to DateRange. Object
TransactionIds Collection of specific Transaction Id values from transaction responses. Optional. List
TransactionStates Collection of specific transaction states. Optional. Maps to the TransactionState enumeration. Enum

Summary information about the rejected transactions. Expected.

Parameter Description Data Type
CreditTransactionCount The total count of rejected Credit transactions. Expected. Integer
CreditTransactionTotal The total dollar amount for rejected Credit transactions. Expected. Decimal
DebitTransactionCount The total count of rejected Debit transactions. Expected. Integer
DebitTransactionTotal The total dollar amount for rejected Debit transactions. Expected. Decimal

Transaction information specific to Stored Value transactions. Conditional, included if the query includes Bankcard transactions.

Parameter Description Data Type
CardRestrictionValue Specifies the gift card restriction value assigned to a specific card. Optional. String
CardStatus Indicates the status of the card if one is present. Optional. Enum
CVResult Response code returned by the card issuer indicating the result of Card Verification (CVV2/CVC2/CID) returned by the service provider. Optional. Enum
NewBalance The account balance after the transaction. Required. Decimal
OrderId The order id generated by CWS. This value is often used by service providers for transaction correlation. Expected. String
PreviousBalance The account balance prior to the transaction. Optional. Decimal

Contains transaction summary information. Expected.

Parameter Description Data Type
FamilyInformation Information about the transaction relative to related transactions. Expected. Object
TransactionInformation High-level information about the transaction. Expected. Object

Defines a contract for an expected pairing of transaction class and transaction type. Optional on request, expected on response.

Parameter Description Data Type
TransactionClass The transaction class. Expected. String
TransactionType The transaction type. Expected. String

Contains detailed transaction data. Expected.

Parameter Description Data Type
CompleteTransaction The entire transaction in CWSTransaction or SerializedCWS format. Expected. Object
FamilyInformation Information about the transaction relative to related transactions. Expected. Object
TransactionInformation High-level information about the transaction. Expected. Object

Contains detailed transaction data for a single transaction. Expected.

Parameter Description Data Type
Amount The transaction amount. Expected. Decimal
ApprovalCode The transaction ApprovalCode. Expected on transaction types that return an ApprovalCode. Expected. String
BankcardData Transaction information specific to Bankcard transactions. Expected. Object
BatchId The batch Id of the transaction. Expected. String
CapturedAmount The captured amount of the transaction. Expected. Decimal
CaptureDateTime The date and time (in UTC format) that the transaction was captured. Expected on successfully captured transactions. Expected. DateTime
CaptureState The capture state of the transaction. Expected. Enum
CaptureStatusMessage The capture status message returned from the service provider. Expected if the service provider suppports partial approved batches. Expected. String
CustomerId The CustomerId specified by the merchant in the transaction request. Expected when CustomerId was specified. Expected. String
ElectronicCheckData Transaction information specific to Electronic Checking transactions. Expected. Object
IsAcknowledged Indicated whether the transaction was acknowledged. Expected. Maps to the BooleanParameter enumeration. Enum
MaskedPAN The cardholder's PAN in masked format. Expected. Note:MaskedPAN is stored with each transaction record and returned in the response to TMS query requests. Although the first 6 digits of MaskedPAN may be returned in the response (for example, 9876-54**-****-****-1234), they are only to be used by the software company and EVO Snap for troubleshooting purposes.As a best practice, software companies should only present the last 4 digits of MaskedPAN to the merchant and their customers, whether displaying this information on-screen or printing the information on a receipt or invoice. String
MerchantProfileId The merchantProfileId used for the transaction. Expected. String
OriginatorTransactionId The OriginatorTransactionId of the transaction. Expected. String
Reference Specifies user or customer reference data echoed from the request. Optional. String
ServiceId The Id of the service used for the transaction. Expected. String
ServiceKey The Service Key used for the transaction. Expected. String
ServiceTransactionId The ServiceTransactionId of the transaction. Expected. String
Status Approval or decline status of the transaction. Expected. Enum
StoredValueData Transaction information specific to Stored Value transactions. Expected. Object
TransactionClassTypePair The transaction class and transaction type of the transaction. Expected. Object
TransactionId The transaction Id of the transaction. Expected. String
TransactionState Indicates the current state of the transaction. Expected. Enum
TransactionStatusCode The StatusCode returned from the transaction. Expected. String
TransactionTimestamp The timestamp of the transaction (in UTC format). Expected. DateTime

Contains transaction details not represented in the CWS object model. Expected.

Parameter Description Data Type
Amount The transaction amount. Expected. Decimal
CardType The card type used for the transaction. Expected. String
MaskedPAN The cardholder's PAN in masked format. Expected. String
SequenceNumber Sequence number of the transaction. Expected. String
ServiceId The Id of the service used for the transaction. Expected. String
TransactionClassTypePair The transaction class and type of the transaction. Expected. Object
TransactionDateTime The date and time the transaction was submitted (in UTC format). Expected. DateTime
TransactionId The transaction Id of the transaction. Expected. String
TransactionState Indicates the current state of the transaction. Expected. Enum
WorkflowId Identifies the workflow used for the transaction. Expected. String