Transaction Reporting Overview

Commerce Web Services

Transaction Reporting Overview

The following can be referenced as supplemental material, and are referenced throughout this section:

  • Transaction Management Service Developer’s Guide provides guidance associated with the integration of the Transaction Management API, allowing software companies to provide transaction management functionality within their existing Commerce Web Services SOAP/REST applications.
  • Commerce Web Services Developer’s Guide provides an overview of the components and concepts related to the development of client applications that communicate with Commerce Web Services, as well as a step-by-step guide for developing applications that implements the Commerce Web Services SOAP and REST APIs.
  • Commerce Web Services Developer API Reference provides useful information regarding the hierarchy of data elements and their parameters, including data types and usage requirements associated with the Service Information and Transaction Processing services in Commerce Web Services.


The Transaction Management Developer’s Guide provides guidance for the integration of the Transaction Management API with existing Commerce Web Services SOAP/REST applications.

The Transaction Management Service (TMS) provides read-only access to merchant transaction data stored in the Commerce Web Services (CWS) transaction database. TMS eliminates the need for the merchant application to store transaction data locally by providing access to merchant transaction data for transaction reporting purposes, as well as for processing subsequent transactions, such as incremental authorizations, settlement, etc.

To take advantage of this value-added service through the integration of the Transaction Management Service API, the TMS API uses both Service Key and sign-on authentication credentials to ensure secure access to transaction data.

TMS provides the following benefits:

  • Access to all Bankcard transaction data – All Bankcard Transaction Classes and Types are accessible.
  • Two levels of transaction detail – On a per query basis, you can specify whether summary or detailed transaction information should be retrieved. Transaction detail data is returned in PTLS XML format for all users and CWS XML format for CWS-initiated transactions.
  • Variety of search/filter criteria – Enables greater precision and faster response times by limiting the data returned to only that which is required.
  • Identification of Transaction Families – Authorizations or Returns followed by subsequent transactions are linked using a parent ID. This allows all related transaction data to be returned in the context of the entire transaction family.
Note: The integration of transaction management functionality is based on the existing CWS SOAP/REST APIs. For more information about integrating the CWS SOAP/REST APIs, refer to the Commerce Web Services Developer’s Guide.


The Transaction Management Service requires a dedicated web service endpoint to reduce the impact to existing CWS SOAP/REST endpoints during large query operations.


Due to the large amount of stored transaction data, response data is retrieved in manageable "chunks" when performing transaction data queries. This allows the application to easily manage the data for proper paging display.


By default, up to 50 transaction records are returned as part of a single query response. This default can be overridden by the client by any amount that does not exceed the maximum record return count. If the client request exceeds the maximum configurable value, an error message is returned to the application indicating the maximum value of records that can be returned has been exceeded.

In addition to the Service Information (SvcInfo) and Transaction Processing (Txn) service endpoints provided by CWS integrations, the Transaction Management Service uses a dedicated web service endpoint called TMS.


The Transaction Management Service web service endpoint and its supported functions can be found below:


Transaction Management Endpoints


Transaction Management (TMS) endpoints provide the following functionality:

  • Ability to query for Commerce Web Services (CWS) transactions for reporting purposes, as well as for processing subsequent transactions, such as incremental authorizations, settlement, etc.

Service Keys


A Service Key is a globally unique identifier assigned to all certified applications (aka "transaction originators") for authentication and subsequent consumption of services running on the Managed Commerce Services Platform. An identity token is then generated and associated with the application’s Service Key. A single application can operate on behalf of one or more Service Keys.

Applications communicate with each Web Service Endpoint using endpoint URLs. There is a primary endpoint URL and a secondary endpoint URL. Your application does not need to make any special accommodations when interacting with these primary and/or secondary endpoints. They merely provide failover functionality in the event that one endpoint is not available.


Should the primary endpoint result in an unsuccessful connection, your application should try the secondary endpoint. In the event that neither endpoint URL results in a successful connection, the application should alert the user that no endpoints are available and they should contact their administrator.


Applications should first default to the primary (cws-01) endpoint URLs. If connecting to the primary endpoint URL is unsuccessful, the application should attempt the secondary (cws-02) endpoint URLs. Administrative users must be allowed to view and modify these URLs as needed.

Transaction Management Endpoint URLs
Note: x.x.x represents the API version.

Enabling payment processing is just one aspect of providing a robust payment solutions to your merchants. Providing the ability for merchants to manage transactions and perform subsequent transaction processing such as voids, returns, and batch settlement processing is critical to supporting the full transaction lifecycle.


While the Preparing the Application to Transact and Transaction Processing steps are required for all CWS integrations, providing transaction management functionality to your merchants is optional, but highly recommended. Furthermore, the decision about whether to include transaction management functionality within your payment solution or leverage a third-party transaction management solution is an important development consideration.


Software developers should consult the Transaction Management Developer's Guide for troubleshooting and integration guidance associated with the implementation of transaction management functionality within their payment solutions.

Transaction Management Overview Implementation
Integration Guidance API Reference

Transaction Management

The Transaction Management Service (TMS) provides read-only access to merchant transaction data stored in the Commerce Web Services (CWS) transaction database. TMS eliminates the need for the merchant application to store transaction data locally by providing access to merchant transaction data for transaction reporting purposes, as well as for processing subsequent transactions, such as incremental authorizations, voids, returns, and batch settlement processing.


Transaction management functionality is supported by the Transaction Management Service (TMS) and corresponding Transaction Management API. The TMS API makes use of both Service Keys and sign-on authentication credentials to ensure safe, secure access to CWS transaction data.


The integration of the TMS API provides the following benefits:

  • Access to all Bankcard transaction data – All Bankcard transaction classes and types are accessible.
  • Two levels of transaction detail – On a per query basis, you can specify whether summary or detailed transaction information should be retrieved.
  • Variety of search/filter criteria – Enables greater precision and faster response times by limiting the data returned to only that which is required.
  • Identification of transaction families – Authorizations or returns followed by subsequent transactions are linked using a parent ID. This allows all related transaction data to be returned in the context of the entire transaction family.
Note: The integration of the Transaction Management Service (TMS) API is optional. Software developers should consult the Transaction Management Developer's Guide for troubleshooting and integration guidance associated with the implementation of transaction management functionality within their payment solutions.

Transaction Management API Reference


This information describes the hierarchy of data elements and parameters, including data types and usage requirements associated with the the Transaction Management Service (TMS) SOAP/REST APIs for integrating the Transaction Management API within new or existing CWS SOAP/REST applications.