Enumeration Reference

Developer API Reference

Enumeration Reference

The following enumerations should be used to interpret response parameters after making calls to CWS.

The following Service Information enumerations are supported by CWS SOAP and REST integrations.

Enumeration Description Valid Values
ApplicationLocation Location of the application relative to the merchant.
  • HomeInternet
  • NotSet
  • OffPremises
  • OnPremises
  • Unknown
BatchAssignmentSupport Indicates level of batch assignment supported by the service.
  • NotSet
  • NotSupported
  • Supported
  • SupportedWithCaptureAll
CloseBatch Defines the level of support for batch release functionality. Future Use.
  • NotSet
  • NotSupported
  • Required
  • Supported
CreditAuthorizeSupportType Indicates the level of credit authorization support on a service.
  • AuthorizeAndCaptureOnly
  • AuthorizeOnly
  • Both
CreditReturnSupportType Indicates the types of Return transactions supported by the service for credit transactions.
  • Both
  • Linked
  • Standalone
  • Unsupported
CreditReversalSupportType Indicates the level of credit authorization support on a service.
  • Both
  • Captured
  • NotSupported
  • ReadyForCapture
CustomerPresent Presence of cardholder relative to the transaction point of service.
  • BillPayment
  • Ecommerce
  • MailFax
  • MOTO
  • NotSet
  • Present
  • Suspicious
  • TelARU
  • Transponder
  • VisaCardPresentStripeUnreadable
  • VisaOpenNetworkTransaction
  • VoiceResponse
EncryptionType Indicates the type of encryption block used by the card reader.
  • IPADV1Compatible
  • MagneSafeV4V5Compatible
  • NotSet
EntryMode DEPRECATED: This must now be set on each individual transaction. Indicates how the cardholder data was retrieved. When authorizing with stored card data, either locally or with PaymentAccountDataToken, indicates that the card data was manually collected (Keyed or one of its variants).
  • Barcode
  • ChipReliable
  • ChipTrackDataFromRFID
  • ChipUnreliable
  • ContactlessMChipOrSmartCard
  • ContactlessStripe
  • Keyed
  • KeyedBadMagRead
  • MSRTrackDataFromRFID
  • NFCCapable
  • NotSet
  • OCRReader
  • TerminalNotUsed
  • Track2DataFromMSR
  • TrackDataFromMSR
  • VSCCapable
HardwareType Type of device running the application.
  • ATM
  • DialTerminal
  • ElectronicCashRegister
  • InitiatedCAT
  • InStoreController
  • Mainframe
  • MobileBanking
  • NotSet
  • PC
  • POSPartner
  • POSPort
  • ScriptDevice
  • Telephone
  • ThirdPartyDeveloper
  • TicketMachine
  • Unknown
  • VirtualTerminal
IndustryType The industry type of the transaction. This is saved in the MerchantProfile (default) but may be overridden on each transaction.
  • Ecommerce
  • MOTO
  • NotSet
  • Restaurant
  • Retail
PartialApprovalSupportType Specifies whether the service supports partial approval capability at the transaction level. If not present, defaults to ‘DisabledAlwaysSupported’. Expected.
  • DisabledAlwaysSupported
  • DisabledNotSupported
  • Enabled
PINCapability Support for cardholder Personal Identification Number (PIN).
  • NotSet
  • PINNotSupported
  • PINPadInoperative
  • PINSupported
  • PINVerifiedByDevice
  • Unknown
PINDebitReturnSupportType Indicates if Return is supported by the service for PIN Debit transactions.
  • Both
  • Linked
  • Standalone
  • Unsupported
PinDebitUndoSupportType Indicates if Undo is supported by the service for PIN Debit transactions.
  • NotSupported
  • Supported
PurchaseCardLevel Indicates the highest level of purchase card data supported by the service. Level 3 support is inclusive of Level 2 data, and Level 2 support is inclusive of Level 1 data.
  • Level1
  • Level2
  • Level3
  • NotSet
QueryRejectedSupportType Indicates if date ranges are supported for QueryRejected on a service.
  • NotSupported
  • SupportedWithDateRange
  • SupportedWithSpecificDate
ReadCapability Capability of the device to read cardholder data.
  • BarCodeReader
  • Chip
  • ContactlessChip
  • ContactlessMSR
  • ECR
  • EmvICC
  • HasMSR
  • KeyOnly
  • NFCCapable
  • NoMSR
  • NoTerminal
  • NotSet
  • NotSpecified
  • OCRReader
  • RFIDCapable
  • Unknown
  • VSCCapable
RequestACI Authorization Characteristics Indicator. Identifies the request as potentially qualifying for the Visa CPS or MasterCard Merit programs. Note: Please refer to Address Verification Service under "General Guidelines" in Integration Guidelines for more information.
  • CPSMeritCapableIncAuth
  • IsCPSMeritCapable
  • NotCPSMeritCapable
  • NotSet
  • PremierCustomer
  • RecurringInstallment
RequestAdvice Indicates whether to include advice on declined recurring payment transactions.
  • Capable
  • NotCapable
  • NotSet
TenderType The type of tender used for the transaction.
  • Credit
  • NotSet
  • PINDebit
TrackDataSupportType Indicates what track data is supported.
  • Both
  • NotSet
  • NotSupported
  • Track1
  • Track2
TypeISOCountryCodeA3 Country code as defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO). Refer to WSDL for valid values. For information about proxy generation and viewing the WSDL, refer to the CWS Developer's Guide.
TypeISOCurrencyCodeA3 Currency code as defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO). Refer to WSDL for valid values. For information about proxy generation and viewing the WSDL, refer to the CWS Developer's Guide.
TypeISOLanguageCodeA3 Language code as defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO). Used for the response text message. Refer to WSDL for valid values. For information about proxy generation and viewing the WSDL, refer to the CWS Developer's Guide.
TypeStateProvince State or Province. Refer to WSDL for valid values. For information about proxy generation and viewing the WSDL, refer to the CWS Developer's Guide.

The following Base Transaction enumerations are supported by CWS SOAP and REST integrations.

Enumeration Description Valid Values
CaptureState Defines the state of the transaction as it relates to capture.
  • BatchSent
  • BatchSentUndoPermitted
  • CannotCapture
  • Captured
  • CaptureDeclined
  • CapturedUndoPermitted
  • CaptureError
  • CapturePending
  • CapturePendingUndoPermitted
  • CaptureUnknown
  • InProcess
  • NotSet
  • ReadyForCapture
  • UndoReported
CVDataProvided Indicates whether or not CV data was provided. Conditional, required for keyed transactions. Recommended for card-not-present authorizations. Not used in settlement.
  • CardholderStatesNotAvailable
  • DeliberatelyBypass
  • NotSet
  • Provided
  • ValueIllegible
CVResult Response code returned by the card issuer indicating the result of Card Verification (CVV2/CVC2/CID).
  • Invalid
  • IssuerNotCertified
  • Match
  • NoCodePresent
  • NoMatch
  • NoResponse
  • NotApplicable
  • NotProcessed
  • NotSet
  • ShouldHaveBeenPresent
EntryMode Indicates how the cardholder data was retrieved. When authorizing with stored card data, either locally or with PaymentAccountDataToken, indicates that the card data was manually collected (keyed or one of its variants).
  • Barcode
  • ChipReliable
  • ChipTrackDataFromRFID
  • ChipUnreliable
  • ContactlessMChipOrSmartCard
  • ContactlessStripe
  • Keyed
  • KeyedBadMagRead
  • MSRTrackDataFromRFID
  • NFCCapable
  • NotSet
  • OCRReader
  • TerminalNotUsed
  • Track2DataFromMSR
  • TrackDataFromMSR
  • VSCCapable
IndustryType The industry type of the transaction.
  • Ecommerce
  • MOTO
  • NotSet
  • Restaurant
  • Retail
Status Indicates the authorization status of the transaction.
  • Failure
  • NotSet
  • Successful
TenderType Indicates the tender type of the transaction.
  • Credit
  • NotSet
  • PINDebit
TransactionState Indicates the current state of the transaction.
  • Adjusted
  • Authorized
  • Captured
  • CaptureDeclined
  • Declined
  • ErrorConnecting
  • ErrorUnknown
  • ErrorValidation
  • FundsRequested
  • FundsTransferred
  • InProcess
  • NotSet
  • PartiallyCaptured
  • PartiallyReturned
  • PartialReturnRequested
  • Returned
  • ReturnRequested
  • ReturnUndone
  • Undone
  • Verified
TypeISOCountryCodeA3 Country code as defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO). Refer to WSDL for valid values. For information about proxy generation and viewing the WSDL, refer to the CWS Developer's Guide.
TypeISOCurrencyCodeA3 Currency code as defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO). Refer to WSDL for valid values. For information about proxy generation and viewing the WSDL, refer to the CWS Developer's Guide.
TypeISOLanguageCodeA3 Language code as defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO). Used for the response text message. Refer to WSDL for valid values. For information about proxy generation and viewing the WSDL, refer to the CWS Developer's Guide.
TypeStateProvince State or Province. Refer to WSDL for valid values. For information about proxy generation and viewing the WSDL, refer to the CWS Developer's Guide.

The following Bankcard Transaction enumerations are supported by CWS SOAP and REST integrations.

Note: The following enumerations are shared by the Bankcard Transaction Pro class.
Enumeration Description Valid Values
AccountType Indicates the bank account type.
  • CheckingAccount
  • NotSet
  • SavingsAccount
AddressResult Specifies the result of AVS as it pertains to address matching.
  • BadFormat
  • IssuerNotCertified
  • Match
  • NoMatch
  • NoResponseFromCardAssociation
  • NotIncluded
  • NotSet
  • NotVerified
  • UnknownResponseFromCardAssociation
AdviceResponse Specifies the reason for issuer decline of recurring payment transactions.
  • DoNotHonor
  • DoNotTryAgainLater
  • NewAccountInfoAvailable
  • NotSet
  • TryAgainLater
  • Unsupported
ApplicationLocation Location of the application relative to the merchant.
  • HomeInternet
  • NotSet
  • OffPremises
  • OnPremises
  • Unknown
BillPayment Indicates the nature of a deferred, recurring, or installment transaction.
  • DeferredBilling
  • Installment
  • NotSet
  • Recurring
  • SinglePayment
CardholderNameResult Specifies the result of AVS as it pertains to cardholder name matching.
  • BadFormat
  • IssuerNotCertified
  • Match
  • NoMatch
  • NoResponseFromCardAssociation
  • NotIncluded
  • NotSet
  • NotVerified
  • UnknownResponseFromCardAssociation
ChargeType Indicates the type of charge. In most retail environments this value is set to ‘RetailOther’, but if other enumerations are applicable they should be used. Required for Retail transactions.
  • BeautyShop
  • ConventionFee
  • GiftShop
  • GolfProShop
  • HealthSpa
  • Lodging
  • NotSet
  • Restaurant
  • RetailOther
  • TennisProShop
CityResult Specifies the result of AVS as it pertains to city matching.
  • BadFormat
  • IssuerNotCertified
  • Match
  • NoMatch
  • NoResponseFromCardAssociation
  • NotIncluded
  • NotSet
  • NotVerified
  • UnknownResponseFromCardAssociation
CommercialCardResponse Indicates the status of the card with respect to its ability to utilize purchase card data. When the card is a Business, Corporate or Purchase card, providing purchase card data can result in improved interchange rates.
  • BusinessCard
  • CorporateCard
  • NonCommercialCard
  • NotImplemented
  • NotSet
  • PurchaseCard
  • PurchaseCardDataUnsupported
  • Unknown
CountryResult Specifies the result of AVS as it pertains to country matching.
  • BadFormat
  • IssuerNotCertified
  • Match
  • NoMatch
  • NoResponseFromCardAssociation
  • NotIncluded
  • NotSet
  • NotVerified
  • UnknownResponseFromCardAssociation
CustomerPresent Presence of cardholder relative to the transaction point of service.
  • BillPayment
  • Ecommerce
  • MailFax
  • MOTO
  • NotSet
  • Present
  • Suspicious
  • TelARU
  • Transponder
  • VisaCardPresentStripeUnreadable
  • VisaOpenNetworkTransaction
  • VoiceResponse
ExistingDebt Indicates recurring or installment transaction is on existing debt. Required if BillPayment is set.
  • IsExistingDebt
  • NotExistingDebt
  • NotSet
GoodsType Type of goods purchased.
  • DigitalGoods
  • NotSet
  • PhysicalGoods
HardwareType Type of device running the application.
  • ATM
  • DialTerminal
  • ElectronicCashRegister
  • InitiatedCAT
  • InStoreController
  • Mainframe
  • MobileBanking
  • NotSet
  • PC
  • POSPartner
  • POSPort
  • ScriptDevice
  • Telephone
  • ThirdPartyDeveloper
  • TicketMachine
  • Unknown
  • VirtualTerminal
IIASDesignation Type of goods purchased.
  • IIASExempt
  • IIASVerified
  • NotSet
Interval Unit used in calculating the period.
  • Day
  • Month
  • NotSet
  • Week
  • Year
IsTaxExempt Indicates tax exempt status of the transaction.
  • Exempt
  • NotExemptTaxInfoNotProvided
  • NotExemptTaxInfoProvided
  • NotSet
PartialApprovalSupportType Indicateswhether the service supports partial approvals (authorizations) at the transaction level.
  • Capable
  • NotCapable
  • NotSet
Specifies the result of AVS as it pertains to phone matching.
  • BadFormat
  • IssuerNotCertified
  • Match
  • NoMatch
  • NoResponseFromCardAssociation
  • NotIncluded
  • NotSet
  • NotVerified
  • UnknownResponseFromCardAssociation
PINCapability Indicates support for cardholder Personal Identification Number (PIN).
  • NotSet
  • PINNotSupported
  • PINPadInoperative
  • PINSupported
  • PINVerifiedByDevice
  • Unknown
PINDebitUndoReason Specifies the reason for the undo. Required for PIN Debit transactions.
  • CADFailure
  • CustomerCancellation
  • LateResponse
  • NoResponse
  • NotApplicable
  • NotSet
  • OriginalAmountIncorrect
  • PartiallyCompleted
  • ResponseIncomplete
  • ResponseTimeout
  • SuspectMalfunction
  • UnableToDeliverResponse
  • UnableToDeliverToPOS
PostalCodeResult Specifies the result of AVS as it pertains to postal code matching.
  • BadFormat
  • IssuerNotCertified
  • Match
  • NoMatch
  • NoResponseFromCardAssociation
  • NotIncluded
  • NotSet
  • NotVerified
  • UnknownResponseFromCardAssociation
PrepaidCard Specifies whether or not the card is a prepaid card. The identification of prepaid cards is at the discretion of the payment brand or issuer. Optional.
  • No
  • NotSet
  • Yes
ReadCapability Capability of the device to read cardholder data.
  • BarCodeReader
  • Chip
  • ContactlessChip
  • ContactlessMSR
  • ECR
  • EmvICC
  • HasMSR
  • KeyOnly
  • NFCCapable
  • NoMSR
  • NoTerminal
  • NotSet
  • NotSpecified
  • OCRReader
  • RFIDCapable
  • Unknown
  • VSCCapable
RequestACI Authorization Characteristics Indicator. Identifies the request as potentially qualifying for the Visa CPS or MasterCard Merit programs.
  • CPSMeritCapableIncAuth
  • IsCPSMeritCapable
  • NotCPSMeritCapable
  • NotSet
  • PremierCustomer
  • RecurringInstallment
RequestAdvice Indicates whether to include advice on declined recurring payment transactions.
  • Capable
  • NotCapable
  • NotSet
RequestCommercialCard Request commercial card status for the transaction.
  • Disable
  • Enable
  • NotSet
Resubmit Specifies whether resubmission is supported for PIN Debit transactions.
  • NotPermitted
  • NotSet
  • Permitted
  • Unspecified
ReturnedACI Provides information concerning the status of a transaction's CPS qualification.
  • A
  • C
  • E
  • F
  • I
  • K
  • M
  • N
  • NotSet
  • NQ
  • P
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • Y
StateResult Specifies the result of AVS as it pertains to state matching.
  • BadFormat
  • IssuerNotCertified
  • Match
  • NoMatch
  • NoResponseFromCardAssociation
  • NotIncluded
  • NotSet
  • NotVerified
  • UnknownResponseFromCardAssociation
TokenIndicator Specifies VPAS, UCAF, or SET certificate S/N.
  • AttemptedCardUnsupported
  • AttemptedServiceUnavailable
  • NotSet
  • UCAFWithData
  • UCAFWithoutData
  • VPAS
TypeCardType Type of card used in the transaction.
  • AmericanExpress
  • CarteAurore
  • CartesBancaires
  • CitibankFinancial
  • Dankort
  • DinersCartBlanche (DEPRECATED. Use MasterCard.)
  • DinersClub
  • Discover
  • Electron
  • Finax
  • JCB
  • Kopkort
  • LaserCard
  • Maestro
  • MasterCard
  • NotSet
  • PrivateLabel
  • RevolutionCard
  • Solo
  • UnbrandedATM
  • Visa
TypeTaxType Type of tax applied.
  • CityTax
  • CountyParishTax
  • CountyTax
  • EnergyTax
  • EnvironmentalTax
  • FederalTax
  • GoodsServicesTax
  • HarmonizedTax
  • LocalSalesTax
  • LuxuryTax
  • MunicipalTax
  • NotSet
  • OccupancyTax
  • OtherTax
  • QuebecSalesTax
  • RoomTax
  • StateLocalSalesTax
  • StateProvincialGoodsTax
  • StateProvincialTax
  • StateSalesTax
  • Unknown
  • VAT
TypeUnitOfMeasure Units used to measure quantity. Refer to WSDL for valid values. For information about proxy generation and viewing the WSDL, refer to the CWS Developer's Guide.

The following Electronic Checking Transaction enumerations are supported by CWS SOAP and REST integrations.

Enumeration Description Valid Values
CheckCountryCode Bank account country of origin for receiver deposit.
  • CA
  • MX
  • NotSet
  • US
OwnerType Indicates the type of entity which owns the account.
  • Business
  • NotSet
  • Personal
  • Unknown
SECCode The three letter code that indicates what NACHA regulations the transaction must adhere to.
  • BOC
  • CCD
  • NotSet
  • PPD
  • TEL
  • WEB
ServiceType Indicates the Electronic Checking service type: ACH, RDC or ECK.
  • ACH
  • ECK
  • NotSet
  • RDC
TransactionType Indicates the transaction type.
  • Credit
  • PIN Debit
UseType Indicates the type of account.
  • Cash
  • Checking
  • Government
  • NotSet
  • Payroll
  • Savings
  • Travelers
  • TwoParty